The Trans-dimensional Dancer's Inn

The Trans-dimensional Dancer's Inn
Alan P. Walkowiak
Entry to the world of Phaladour.  Your day begins like any other day, with the exception of the day being overcast and a storm brewing in the distance.  As you go about your day the storm worsens as it approaches your location. As the storm breaks loose with its full fury, you see a very strange sight that you have never seen before.  Lightning of various colors that you have never seen before today. The lightning flashes in vibrant hues of Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, & Purple. This is the most shocking thing you have ever seen flashing across the sky from cloud to cloud. But what shocks you most  is when you see just how vibrant these colors are as they strike the ground and surround you, you see streamers of bright: White, Blue, Red Green Yellow, Orange, & Purple, Coming toward you and join together under you, you get thrown off your feet and blown backward through a dimensional door that was forced open  just a few feet in back of you.  This door drops you in a forest where a stranger finds you wounded battered and bruised,. He brings you under a large pine tree know by hiker and campers as a “wayfarer’s Pine” so-called for its lower limbs form a makeshift shelter and weather block. The stranger binds your wounds and sets any broken bones.
   Your belongings are brought here by him and set near you as you rest As you wake you find your shoes are off next to you. You also find your wounds have been bound and tended He has Long platinum blond hair, his robustly built, tall or so you think cause you are seated on the ground propped up against the trunk of the tree. He crouches next to you to check on to. It is night and you hear someone close by, He speaks to you in a language you can't understand, Least not yet. He moves closer and you can see him as he approaches the fire. you and you see thin pointed ears protruding through his platinum hair. You ask “Who are you?” And “Where am I?” He speaks to you and you have no clue what he just said to you, You give him a puzzled look and ask “What did you just say?” you see him thinking, then he reaches in a pouch on his belt and pulls out a rather ordinary-looking ring and places it on your finger and now you can miraculously understand all he says. He introduces himself as “Alcazar Blood-moon Stone-heart”  The last of the “Aranti” or Mountain Elves Or so I am forced to believe, because I have not met any more of my Brethren, or if I have they have not told me they were aranti. Or they themselves don't know they are. But then that is a story for another time and place. Now let’s see to your wounds and get you to town and the temple where they can heal you further shall we. He casts a levitate spell on you you float up off the ground a short way about 3 ft and he places a hand on your shoulder and starts to guide you out of the tree... you say “Wait! What about my things”? He says “Oh yes must not forget them” he waves his hand and all your things mass themselves into your bag and float over to him he places them in your lap and continues on as if this was commonplace for you. Alcazar levitates you down a gradual hill, which when you two reach the bottom you see a major crossroad. With 3 branches and 1 straight through you and Alcazar are facing north and the straight-through road runs west to east. With a north route (Which you are facing) And a North-west arm and a North-east arm. Alcazar takes the NE road and goes ¼ mile and comes to “The Trans-Dimensional Dancer's Inn” He floats you in through the not so remarkable looking door of a rickety-looking hovel, Which has a door in each wall of the place on the outside looks no bigger than 25' square. But once inside the outside deceive the true size of the inn.
    Alcazar takes you to the front bar and tells the Innkeeper to summon a healer and pays for a room for you to recover in. You are taken to a room and the healer is already there waiting and gets to work healing your wounds Alcazar bids you farewell for now due to the fact he has other important business to attend to but will be back when finished. And he leaves you with the healer. After you are fully healed you begin to explore the inn starting with your own room. You look around the room it measures 10' X 15', You gather your belongings from the dresser the rest of your things are on the nightstand next to the bed. As you do you must decide what to do next as you look about the room you must decide what to do next and where you want to go from here is up to you once you walk out your room door which way do you turn right or left? Straight out of your room door is a  10ft wide hall with a room directly across from yours. Turning Left and going 6 doors toward the left side of the hall brings you to a stairway down to the next level of the building you look left and right at the bottom of these stairs and find yourself in another hall about midpoint of this hall You listen to the sounds coming from down the  hall you hear sounds coming from both sides of the hall…. Which way do you go? What do you do next? Investigate the sounds?, or Find the stairs down to the main level and see what’s down there? If you opt to investigate the sounds you roll on the encounter table.
   You make your way to the main floor and go to the main bar asking the innkeeper for a list of room prices, and a menu of services and merchandise for sale. You roll on a chart for items and resources available. The innkeeper gives you a book titled “Goods, Services, & Necessities of Adventuring” This book is a catalog of ancient and Modern Items you can imagine or could want or need.  You also ask the innkeeper for a key to your room and you find out that your key is always found in your room on your stand by the bed. These special keys are specifically assigned to each renter and arcane enchanted with the effect of any locked door can be opened by these keys and access the inn by these keys at any time, from anywhere.
You are in the common room you look around and see all kinds of races of “people?” you ask yourself.  And a rather tall woman (You suspect) puts a hand on your shoulder and says,” Excuse me? Al asked me to retrieve your key from your room for you. Here it is!”  And hands you your key. As she walks away you notice she is not quite what you expected. You Notice from the waist down she is not human. She has the lower half of?

1 Centaur (Human/Horse)
2 Drider (Drow/Spider)
3 Lamia (Human/Big Cat)
4 Man-scorpion (humanoid/Scorpion)
5 Wemic (Human/Lion)
6 Yuan-Ti ½ breed(Humanoid/Snake)
7-8 Custom Centauroid (Roll the  Halves)
As she walks away you shake your head and think “A HORSE!?” You hear a male voice say “Yes, A Horse your not seeing things, and Yes you are sane.” “And also it is impolite to stare” here because all the creatures from your myth and legend and folktales are real here... And absolutely “Here be DRAGONS” and some are even merchants too! Hahaha.
You get a look on your face that tells Al “I wouldn’t be surprised!” as you sit and think about what else you want to ask. He asks  “Would you like something to eat?” you reply “Um.. what time is it anyway?” look at his wrist “It’s 12:15 pm” you ‘Okay... Grilled cheese and tomato soup I guess?
“Okay, No problem,” writes the order on a receipt and adds it to a wheel in the window spins the wheel and comes back anything else then? 

(With a contemplative cock to your head.) “Umm... Is there anywhere I might get a job till I can return to my own world?” Al cocks his head and said “ yeah maybe you can till you find better or return you home. Also what skills do you have that could be useful and marketable to others. What skills do you have? (RN: You can write your real-world info and skills here if you wish to play yourself in the story and as a game PC just fill in real-world stats as needed!)
